Various circumstances that can happen to a person during life, regardless of whether they are due to health or accident-related causes, can lead to tooth loss. In most cases, the required dental rehabilitation can be solved by an implantation.
After tooth-loss people desire a reliable and beautiful dental replacement. Solid anchored teeth in the jaw are an important factor for physical and mental well-being. Even when teeth need to be replaced, modern treatment techniques almost always make it possible to place fixed fitted dental crowns on osseo-integrated implants.
Dental implants that are firmly anchored in the jawbone are very similar to those of a natural tooth. They can hardly be distinguished from natural teeth in appearance and feeling.
Alternative removable partial or full dentures remain foreign bodies, cause pressure points and drastically limit the taste, tactile and temperature perception. Constantly necessary adjustments to such prostheses (e.g. caused by bone shrinkage) significantly impair the quality of life.
Although initially more expensive, dental implants are the more economical solution in the long run compared to conventional dental bridges or removable dentures.
By placing dental implants, drilling and grinding of the neighbouring teeth can be avoided.
It mostly results in a fixed restoration with comfortable and trouble-free function combined with an excellent appearance.
Implant representations:
Single implants: If a single tooth is lost, the resulting gap can be filled with an implant crown supported by an implant; thus, the grinding of healthy neighboring teeth for anchoring can be avoided.
Implant-supported bridges: If several teeth are lost, a fixed implant bridge can be placed on several implants and a removable prosthetic restoration can thus be dispensed with.
Complete implant restoration: In the event of the loss of all teeth in one jaw or both jaws, edentulous patients can be provided with a complete restoration with fixed implant bridge(s) or with a removable prosthesis on implants.
Immediate implant placement: In some cases (when there is no infection), it is possible to place the implant in the same session after removing the destroyed tooth. In this way, the number of necessary operations is reduced to a minimum and the duration of treatment is shortened by a few months
During the healing phase, osseointegration takes place, which takes place as the inserted implant being attached with the jawbone. The healing time depends on various factors related to the bone quality and quantity. A temporary restoration is usually placed after implant placement; this way, the aesthetics of a tooth gap are preserved, the neighboring teeth cannot tilt into the gap and / or the opposing teeth cannot grow out. This way you can talk freely, eat again and participate in your everyday life, your professional and social life.
After the implant has well osseo-integrated with the bone, the implant will be exposed and a new impression will be taken. Thus, the dental laboratory has the precise final situation to produce a corresponding aesthetic and natural-looking restoration.
The unique diagnostic and treatment plan protocol ensures that treatments are based on a solid foundation and that all risk factors are clearly identified and eliminated.
Regular check-ups that are individually regulated for you and thorough oral hygiene on your part are essential and support the long-term preservation of your implants and prosthetic rehabilitation.
For this reason, in order to be able to maintain the desired success, it is essential to consider a personalized prevention program for the follow-up treatment in the planning phase of the treatment in order to avoid complications for the implant such as mucositis and peri-implantitis.