(Master-Degree Certificate PDF)
LASER-assisted dentistry has defined modern dentistry, allowing minimally invasive techniques to be performed with greater precision, less bleeding, less postoperative pain and better healing, in both hard and soft tissue applications, as some LASER penetrate deeper than others depending on the tissue.
The LASER treatment offers the best possible dental experience: stress-free and gentle since there is no touch!
I am proud to be able offer you the most advanced and sophisticated dental LASER systems on the market for hard and soft tissue applications in my dental practice Zahnarztpraxis Uetikon am See.
The LASER treatment in the dental field is mainly suitable for fear-patients, patients with increased sensitivity to pain and experience has shown in pediatric dentistry, as it is perceived as gentle and almost free of pain.
There are a number of advantages of LASER treatment in various dental procedures:
The usefulness of the LASER application in conservative dentistry lies in the fact that its use in (small) cavity preparation takes place without unpleasant drilling noises and vibrations, as well as efficient and safe non-contact caries removal. With this minimally- microinvasive treatment, more healthy tooth structure substance can be retained. This procedure causes less pain and discomfort during the treatment, making it possible to use less or even no local anaesthesia. There is the option of being able to perform several dental treatments in one session. In addition, the LASER beam has the property of surface and cavity decontamination.
In situations of sensitive and exposed tooth necks, the LASER beam can “seal” the exposed dentinal tubules. The deep indentations in the occlusal surface (chewing surface) relief of the molars can be excavated and cleaned using the LASER and then prepared for sealing the pits & fissures.
In the case of deep caries, the bottom of the cavity preparation can be decontaminated and thus possibly prevent the bacteria from penetrating into the nerve chamber (also called indirect capping), if they have not yet penetrated.
Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology, the LASER is a helpful «tool» in aesthetic dentistry and has a supporting function for «smile design». By using it, it can contribute to the reshaping and remodelling of a smile; by favoring the symmetry of the soft tissue that surrounds the teeth (e.g. to adjust the length of the teeth with a crown lengthening / aesthetic gingival sculpting), thus providing the patient with a radiant and harmonious smile.
LASER-assisted bleaching can lighten colour pigments in the tooth enamel, which underlines a young and vital smile.
A further support of the LASER application consists in the support of periodontitis treatment with its minimally invasive technique and is considered to be a supplement to the conventional periodontal pocket treatment. With its germicidal and bactericidal effect, the LASER beam supports the reduction of germs in periodontal pockets, has a bio-stimulating effect and promotes bone regeneration. The rapid post-operative healing with reduced pain and / or swelling is remarkable.
Importance should be given to LASER-assisted treatment when signs of inflammation affect the soft tissue around dental implants. With the state-of-the-art LASER technology, periimplant-mucositis and peri-implantits can now be achieved by decontaminating the implant surface and also stopping peri-implant bone degradation.
The LASER can also be used for dental implant exposure.
The additional use of LASER in root canal treatment combats endodontic infections and has a bactericidal effect. With the development of the new LASER tips, the dentinal tubules are opened and the biofilm and the smear layer are disrupted within the canal. Thus, the LASER beam can reach a depth of approx. 1100 µ (microns), down to the finest side tubules, whereby cleaning and disinfection can be achieved (compared to traditional root canal irrigation, which can reach a depth of up to 300 µ).
In the event of an unintentional nerve chamber opening during cavity preparation, this (pulp opening up to 1mm in diameter) can be sealed with the LASER, which is also known as «direct pulp capping».
The use of LASER in oral surgery offers a wide spectrum. The control of bleeding (haemostasis) is supported by the LASER, since it promotes blood clotting. There is a wide range of uses in soft tissue surgery, such as bleeding-free gingivectomy, and / or crown lengthening (possibly with bone involvement). It can also help reduce gummy smile, gum hyperpigmentation, gingivoplasty / vestibuloplasty, frenectomy (lip tie removal) and tissue removal for biopsy.
By using LASER on the soft tissues, there may be less need for sutures, which can promote faster recovery for the patient.
LASER use for cold sores (herpes labialis) and canker sores (aphtous ulcers) effectively reduces the virus, the severity, the inflammation and the reoccurrence of the lesion. It has the ability otodestroy the viruses in the blisters (and especially prevent them from multiplying if caught early).
LASER therapy improves the patient’s overall health and accelerates the healing process. Instead of the normal 14-day healing time, this lesion can be vanished by day 6. The patient feels much more comfortable immediately after the treatment and throughout the healing period.
Orthodontics can also benefit from the LASER, especially when exposing unerupted teeth or when removing a small lip tie (frenectomy), which, for example, allows the teeth to be correctly integrated into the dentition.
Pain relief for temporo-mandibular joint disorders can be reduced with the LASER by temporarily relaxing the muscles.