Fresh breath is an important prerequisite for a self-confident and pleasant appearance.
Halitosis is a taboo subject. It is embarrassing to talk about, and outsiders are shy to address to it although many people are affected. Very few know about it. If you know about it, it can be very stressful. In 90% of cases, the causes lie in the oral cavity and not as presumed in the gastrointestinal tract.
Typical triggers for short-term bad breath are especially food and beverages such as onions, garlic, alcohol, and nicotine. Another typical phenomenon for halitosis is also in the morning hours after waking-up, and last but not least diets.
Your dentist is the first place to consult when halitosis appears, as the cause lies mostly in the oral cavity. If there are no reasons to be found, then you will be forwarded to your family doctor.
Persisting halitosis are caused by problems in the oral cavity. Anaerobic bacteria in the interdental regions and on the back of the tongue are particularly responsible for this.
Oral causes for halitosis:
Poor dental- and tongue hygiene (bacterial plaque of teeth and tongue)
Decay and other dental health issues (e.g., open root canals)
Abscess in the mouth
Fungal infections of the oral cavity
Dry mouth (i.e., caused by stress, snoring, not drinking enough)
What can we do about it?
Optimal oral and dental care to reduce microorganisms is essential for bad breath. Therefore, thorough oral hygiene is a must.
Following steps are to be followed:
Rule 1: Tooth-brushing - rigorous and periodically
Brush your teeth twice a day (in the morning after breakfast, in the evening before going to bed).
Brush your teeth using the KAI method (K=chewing surfaces, A=outside surfaces, I=inside surfaces).
Do not apply too much pressure when brushing
Rule 2: Do not forget the interdental spaces
Bacteria in the interdental spaces must be eliminated in a targeted manner (a normal toothbrush is not sufficient).
Dental floss is useful for teeth that are close together.
Interdental brushes (IDB) are recommended for larger spaces between the teeth.
Rule 3: Cleaning of the tongue
Daily tongue cleaning (most of the bacteria are located in the back of the tongue in particular).
Tongue brushes or tongue cleaners are suitable.
The tongue is cleaned from back to front - without pressure.
After cleaning your teeth and tongue, it can still make sense to use a mouthwash.
Rule 4: Be aware of hygiene
Replace the toothbrush with a new one every 2-3 months at the latest.
Interdental brushes (IDB) should be replaced after 7-10 days.
Rinse your toothbrush under running water after each use and then store it so that it can dry well.